
Sketch Update

Sketches for Advertisements and a friend who wants to build an identity for her self-promotion.

1 comment:

Tres Swygert said...

The sketches in the sixth image I'm definitely enjoying for your Fantasyland ad ideas. As well as the "groovy" sketch. The groovy sketch could lead to different opportunities for different words use to describe Fantasyland.

Maybe if you were to tie the whole theme park with an individual in the same composition, it would make things more interesting. Like a wild ride that's gotta be experienced...again. :D :)

As for "M.A.D.", I'm liking the ones close to the bottom, where it feels sketchy...not just to be as a sketch, but to be it as the final look. Have you thought of creating an image/illustration to go with the type for the logo? I know it would be interesting if you did.

On a final note for M.A.D., make sure it doesn't resemble the same type as MAD magazine. :) I know you won't, but just saying.

See ya later Andrew!