So I've taken a short break from the digital Land of Fantasy. In the mean time, I did a couple of sketches and wrote down some thoughts and ideas I have about stationery and advertisements.
As far as stationery goes, I think this sketch is pretty self explanatory. I'm trying to figure out how to do the stationery in an eco-friendly manner as much as possible, and the idea I have layed out in this sketch would only involve me using very little sticker paper and some ink. The other materials would come from actual record album goods (most likely from vinyls in my collection which I find dispensable)
Envelope=an actual record sleeve (with a circular hole cut-out in the many have) + sticker for enclosing the top + stamp + printed logo/address in upper left corner
Letterhead= perhaps the back-side of a record sleeve cut off from the front or some recyclable paper of some sort + ink print of design and text
Business Card=a rounded-rectangular cut out from an actual album cover with a sticker containing logo on front +printed info of address/contact/owner name on the blank/cardboard side

Here are a couple of sketches I've done recently to get some ideas for bottles and jugs and other things I'm making in ceramics.